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Version: 1.6.0

Classes In TuvalGraphics

We can classify the classes within TGI as drawing, drawing, and writing classes. Also available in helper objects that can be used in all these categories. Some of these classes are Color, PointF, RectangleF, SizeF. The following table summarizes the basic classes:

BitmapRepresents a bitmap that is a picture stored in a pixel format.
BrushIt is an abstract base class that cannot be started directly. The brush class provides functionality that is used by derived brush classes and represents a brush graphic object. A brush is used to fill the inside of the graph shape with the specified color.
BrushesRepresents all standard colors of brushes. This class has a static member for each standard color. For example, Brushes.Blue represents a blue brush.
FontProvides members to define the format of font text, name, face, size, and styles.
GraphicsIt is the key object that covers the drawing surfaces. It hosts basic drawing and filling methods.
ImageIt is a class that we can use when drawing a picture on the screen.
PenDefines a pen with the specified color and width. A pen is used to draw graphical objects such as a line, rectangle, curve, or ellipse.
PensProvides static Pen objects for all standard colors. For example, Pens.Red represents the red pen.
SolidBrushIt is derived from the Brush class. This class represents a flat filling to which a single color will be applied.
StringFormatIt is responsible for operations such as aligning, rotating text, and also allowing them to define the text format, including opentypejs properties.
TextureBrushIt is derived from the Brush class. This class lets you fill in the shapes by converting a picture into a brush texture.

Advanced TGI objects

Advanced TGI classes define functionality for developing advanced two-dimensional vector graphics applications. This category includes blending classes, matrix classes, and advanced brush classes.

BlendGradient blends are used to provide smoothness and shading to the interiors of shapes. A blend pattern contains factor and pattern arrays, which define the position and percentage of color of the starting and ending colors. The Blend class defines a blend pattern, which uses LinearGradientBrush to fill the shapes. The Factors and Positions properties represent the array of blend factors and array of positions for the gradient, respectively.
ColorBlendDefines color blending in multicolor gradients. The Color and Position properties represent the color array and position array, respectively.
CustomLineCapEncapsulates a custom, user-defined line cap.
GraphicsPathIn TGI, a path is a series of connected lines and curves. This class provides properties to define the path's fill mode and other properties. This class also defines methods to add graphics shapes to a path. For instance, the addArc and addCurve methods add an arc and a curve, respectively, to the path. Wrap,transform, reverse, and reset are some of the associated methods.
GraphicsPathIteratorA path can contain subpaths. This class provides the ability to find the number of subpaths and iterate through them. Count and SubpathCount return the number of points and the number of subpaths in a path, respectively.
HatchBrushHatch brushes are brushes with a hatch style, a foreground color, and a background color. This class represents a hatch brush in TGI.
LinearGradientBrushRepresents a brush with a linear gradient.
MatrixEncapsulates a 3x3 matrix that represents a geometric transformation. This class defines methods for inverting, multiplying, resetting, rotating, scaling, shearing, and translating matrices.
PathDataContains the data in the form of points and types that makes up a path. The Points property of the class represents an array of points, and the Types property represents the types of the points in a path.
PathGradientBrushRepresents a brush with a graphics path. PathGradientBrush contains methods and properties for blending,

wrapping, scaling, and transformation. This class encapsulates a Brush object that fills the interior of aG raphicsPath object with a gradient.